Blue Glazes
All of the following Blue glaze recipes and more can now be found on my new open-source ceramics recipes website, Glazy:
The following tests were fired in two Jingdezhen public kilns at approximately cone 12 and in my own kiln at cone 10. I just wanted to get a general idea of the blue glazes listed in High Fire Glazes.
Market Blue
Custer Feldspar 50, Whiting 4, Kaolin 24, Dolomite 22, Cobalt Carbonate 0.5
Market Blue, Cone 10 Reduction on Porcelain
Market Blue, Cone 10 Reduction on Stoneware
Market Blue, Cone 12 Reduction on Porcelain
Royal Blue
Custer Feldspar 27.3, Whiting 23.3, Silica 27.3, Kaolin 19.2, Zinc Oxide 3, Cobalt Carbonate 5
Royal Blue, Cone 10 on Porcelain
Royal Blue, Cone 10 on Stoneware
Royal Blue, Cone 12 on Porcelain
Royal Blue, Cone 12 on Porcelain
Satin Sky
Satin Sky, Reduction cone 10 on Porcelain
Satin Sky, Reduction cone 10 on Stoneware
Satin Sky, Reduction cone 12 on Porcelain
Satin Sky, Reduction cone 12 on Porcelain
Winn Blue
Winn Blue, Reduction cone 10 on Porcelain
Winn Blue, Reduction cone 10 on Stoneware
Winn Blue, Reduction cone 12 on Porcelain
Winn Blue, Reduction cone 12 on Porcelain
Blue 1
Blue 1, Reduction cone 10 on Porcelain
Blue 1, Reduction cone 10 on Stoneware
Blue 1, Reduction cone 12 on Porcelain
Blue 1, Reduction cone 12 on Porcelain
Dark Water Blue
This recipe calls for 2% additional Iron Chromate, which I don’t have. I tried this glaze without the Iron Chromate, as well as substituting Iron Chromate for a combination of Red Iron Oxide and Chrome Oxide. I don’t know what this glaze is supposed to look like..
Dark Water Blue, Reduction cone 10 on Porcelain. Sub 2 Iron Chromate for 1 Red Iron Oxide, 1 Chrome Oxide
Dark Water Blue, Reduction cone 10 on Stoneware. Sub 2 Iron Chromate for 1 Red Iron Oxide, 1 Chrome Oxide
Dark Water Blue, Reduction cone 12 on Porcelain. No Iron Chromate
Dark Water Blue, Reduction cone 12 on Porcelain. No Iron Chromate
Blue 4
This recipe calls for 13% additional Ultrox, which I don’t have. I tried substituting with Zircopax, the result is kind of strange.
Blue 4, Reduction cone 10 on Porcelain. Sub Ultrox for Zircopax
Blue 4, Reduction cone 10 on Stoneware. Sub Ultrox for Zircopax